Monday, September 22, 2014

Strategies for Success on Tests and Quizzes

Use these strategies to study for Science tests and quizzes (and maybe your other classes too)!

1.    Study every night for five nights before the test.  For a quiz, it should be 1-2 nights.

2.    Handwrite (as in write with your hand, not typing) flash cards for key vocabulary, people, terms and dates.

3.    Study the flash cards:  Look at the term and come up with the definition and vice versa.  If you can say the definition without looking, you are well studied on that one.

4.    Handwrite key concepts two or three times each and read them out loud as you write them.

5.    Ask a parent or a friend to quiz you.

6.   Re-read all your notes out loud.

7.    Make a practice quiz.  Turn your note or book headings into questions:

Example:  Heading “Cell Theory”
2 possible questions:  “What are the three parts of the Cell Theory?”  “Who were the three scientists who contributed to it?”

8.    Make an acrostic poem for lists of terms to remember.

Orders of phases of cell cycle: Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis
In Paris Many Artists Take Chances

9.    Make up a Song based on the facts you want to remember to help you remember.  Music uses a different part of your brain and helps you recall information more easily.

10.Use the notes taken in class as well as the sections of the textbook they go with as a basis for what to study.  (Ex: Ch 3-1 Notes go with the textbook Chapter 3, section 1 in science).